2013 11 slides Future Proof Software Systems: Summary 19. 11. 2013 Summary 19. 11. 2013 Partitioning, Encapsulation and Coupling matlab programming three devils of methods engineering are: Complexity, Change, Uncertainty Anonymous Therefore, good engineering is: 1. Reduce complexity as much as possible Simplify 2. Royer and C. K. Toh. A review of latest routing protocols for ad hoc mobile wireless networks. IEEE Personal Communications, 62:46 55, April 1999; Holger Ffsler, Hannes Hartenstein, Dieter Vollmer, Martin Mauve, Michael Kasemann, Location Based Routing for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, Reihe Informatik March 2002, citeseer. ist. It is pretty much matlab system of ethical principles or philosophy involved with “what is good for individuals and society” BBC, nd. The following are some of matlab programming ethical advantages that a corporation may derive from strategic making plans:1. An association can derive ethical merits by making certain that matlab programming goals and visions are constructed in consideration not only of its own company interest but additionally of matlab programming pursuits of matlab programming public it serves or matlab programming stakeholders. In other words, matlab programming goals matlab programming companies have set for itself needs to be good for both matlab programming americans and for matlab programming society. Given that matlab programming satisfaction of matlab programming stakeholders is essential to matlab programming fulfillment of matlab programming organization, it means that moral dimension of strategic making plans leads to matlab convergence of both company and stakeholder interests. In other words it is matlab win win condition.